60 FPS mode added for PS4, Xbox One, PS4 Pro and Xbox One X.Fixed a recoil recovery issue that caused the reticle to be in a lower position than expected after switching weapons.Fixed the Impulse Grenade sometimes not sticking to the environment.Fixed the Crossbow not reloading if the fire button is pressed with an empty ammo clip.Fixed the colorful outlines around weapon pickups not showing up.Decreased Legendary Suppressed Pistol by 20%.Decreased Epic Suppressed Pistol by 33%.Adjusted Pistol drop chances in floor loot:.
Removed the Valentine’s Day skin from the Crossbow.Grenades no longer have the ability to Crit.
We will be monitoring any fallout from this and continuing to iterate on how this works throughout the next patches. Firing the Pump Shotgun and quickly switching weapons will now require you to pump the Shotgun before the next shot. Pump Shotgun behavior has been addressed. Found in Floor Loot, Treasure Chests and Supply Drops. We'd love to hear your feedback, especially if you're unable to find a level that makes the colors better for you. There's a strength indicator so that you can find a level that works best for you. This can be found in the new “Accessibility” tab in the game's options. Battle Royale: The Login, Launch, and Lobby menus have updated remixes from the new score. Save the World: All music has been updated with an entirely new soundtrack. The hour long score was recorded in Nashville with an amazing orchestra. The score was created by film composer Marco Beltrami (Logan, The Hurt Locker, etc.) and Pinar Toprak (Krypton TV series, additional composition for the Justice League film, etc.). Battle Royale: Switching between building pieces is now much smoother, especially using console controls or under non-ideal network conditions. You can turn this feature off with the “Turbo Building” option in the Game Settings menu. You can now continuously place the selected building piece by holding down the Primary Fire button. You can turn this feature off with the “Auto Material Change” option in the Game Settings menu. If you run out of materials while building, you’ll now automatically switch to the next material with available resources. Structural support still works the same way - only terrain or other buildings will support your built structures, not objects you build through. This allows you more freedom when building (no more pesky trees stopping your ramps). Players can now build structures just about anywhere, even through trees, rocks and cars.